Forum Submission Services

Forum Submission services

  • What do we do?
  • We provide a team of highly experienced, qualified posters, to post new topics or replies on your forum, message board or community. Each of our posters is selected to match your particular specifications. Our talented and diversified team allows us to provide you with posters who have a genuine interest in your forum's topic. They will join your forum and interact with your members, stimulating discussion and enhancing interest in your boards.

  • How can our plans help you?
  • A new community takes time to build because hard earned visitors don’t easily join empty or inactive forums. The key to all web-based communities is activity. If there are multiple forums on the same topic, a visitor will most likely sign up on the one which has the largest number of interesting posts. Hence, hiring posters can become vital in starting a new forum or in stimulating or reviving an already established one.

  • Forum Posting Services
  • We offer three packages to suit your needs. All packages include the attention to detail and thoroughness of research that you would expect from us, and no forum posting job (or site) is too big or too small.

    If you require something custom outside of our packages, including substantially researched content or a specific number of posts, please.

    Forum Submission Package Features Basic Plan Value Plan Plan
    Members 4-6 8-12 13-20
    No of Forum postings 75 200 300
    No of Forum Threads 15 25 50
    Duration (Working Days) 15 8 15
    Total Pricing ₹3,000 ₹5,000 ₹10,000
    Once you place your order, we assign posters to your website. We select the posters Once you place your order, we assign posters to your website. We select the posters based on your forum topic and your specifications, and then provide you with the names they’ll be using to post on your forum. Our posters are experienced, educated, unique individuals. They are people who enjoy forums and are active members on some of the finest communities on the internet. Hence, not only are they proficient at writing, they are also experienced in building thriving communities.

    Once the plan is completed, we will email you with an itemized report showing the names of the posters and the number of posts each has made to the specific forums.

    If you still have some questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • * All Submissions include the following:
  • Submissions will be done manually.
  • Submissions will be done in the most appropriate category only.
  • No hidden costs involved.
  • Duration represents the working days.
  • We would be accountable for submissions only. PR represents the PR of the home page of the directories.